Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Assignment Four - Entourage Collage

Again I would like to congratulate you all on a great start with your section perspectives. Now that you know how easy it is to develop layered graphics, it is time to continue to develop their graphic quality and the craft of composition. If needed, and it is likely necessary for a majority of you, reorient your section perspective views being sure that they are at the eye-level of a floor that you want to emphasize. Be sure your section is a longitudinal section perspective. Avoid oblique views from helicopters. The same goes with your immersive interior perspectives.

There are four aspects to this week's assignment - the first two are preparatory, and the second two - the section perspective and developed interior view - will be central to your mid-term review presentation.

Submissions are due by end of Sunday, April 29th, with the exception of the Entourage Databse below.

Entourage Database DUE SATURDAY by NOON
Using the selection tools in Photoshop, create entourage elements with transparent backgrounds to be placed in your Illustrator perspectives (which includes your section perspective). This will be a class effort so that everyone has access to everyone else's entourage forming a large database - an entourage zoo - with little effort. No profane or Rated R elements are allowed. You are to create three unique entourage elements:
1) A person or grouping of people
2) A landscape element
3) Anything you choose

Files should be min of 180 dpi.
Files should be cleanly created so edges are crisp.
Post your graphic on your blog as a PNG file, indicating its filename (LargeOakTree.png).
Drop this file on the Course Network folder in the folder named Entourage Zoo. Be sure to place your entourage
item in the appropriate folder. Categories are People, Landscape, Animals, Furniture and Vehicles.

Sketch-Up Clean Up and Development
You may still develop your SketchUp models. Changes made should focus attention on the two immersive interior perspectives and the section perspective. The quality of your SketchUP model will be apparent in your submitted perspectives.
At your option, you can begin to use color SELECTIVELY to emphasize certain elements. Do not use materials and avoid candyland (color overdose).

Align and refine your model so that cubes touch each other and do not overlap.
Trim and cut back faces that occupy the same plane - for example, you can trim your transparent box deleting faces that overlap opaque areas.

TIP: To "trim" objects that intersect, preselect the objects you are working on, and go to "Edit - Intersect" and select "Intersect Selected Only". You can then delete faces that are overlapping. I DO NOT recommend you use the feature to intersect entire model.
Place your SketchUp model in the appropriate folder within our course folder. Name it .

Section Perspective with Entourage

Appropriate View is selected (see above)
Extraneous lines are deleted and lineweights are appropriate (bolder at section cut)
There are no "jaggies"
TIP: Turn off all "Edge Styles" (View - Edge Style). Then Export. Be sure to export outlines as vector file and overlay onto raster export.
Entourage is scaled appropriately and significantly impacts view.
Post a completed PNG file on your blog.

Interior Immersive Perspective with Entourage
Note that his week only one interior perspective is due, but two are due for mid-term. You are free to begin your second interior perspective now. You can submit a second interior perspective as well to get feedback. The same techniques apply in layer raster and vector files types as in the section perspective. As noted above, color can be used SELECTIVELY to emphasize certain elements and give a sense of depth. Be sure the view does not appear too dark.

View is carefully selected with foreground, middle ground, and back ground.,
Camera View Angle is appropriate
TIP: I HIGHLY suggest you use two-point perspective. Don't forget to change view angle (e.g. 24mm).
Appropriate use of Raster / Vector layers is demonstrated, and lineweights are used effectively.
Entourage is scaled appropriately and significantly impacts view.
Views through windows are directed toward a background and/ or other entourage giving a sense of place.
Post a completed PNG file on your blog.


Anonymous said...

I just thought I'd let everyone in on my favorite website for photos and a ton of other great stuff (like type and illustrations)--www.veer.com-- you have to create an account (which is so easy) and then you can search for and download watermark-free comps of images from their professional database. Although I think this might only be a cs3 feature Adobe Stock Photos in the Adobe Bridge program also works the same way(image comps you can search for and download)and I've found some great stuff there too.

Anonymous said...

also.. I used a street lamp as my third piece for the "zoo"--which folder should I place that file in? can we make an "others" folder?

Kristen said...


This is really great, thanks for sharing! Also, it looks like you already did this- place your street lamp in the misc folder.

Sara said...

I'm having trouble with the intersect feature. What exactly happens? It gives me a few extra lines to delete, but you can still see where they intersect... and if I delete those, it deletes everything (faces I want to keep, etc.) Does that make sense? Should I just trim all of my intersecting pieces so they're sitting next to each other with no overlap (i.e. deleting the intersecting walls on one of the objects)?

arch222 said...

The intersect feature places a line at the intersection of two faces and/or objects. This splits the face along these intersection lines. This allows you to delete the faces that you want to erase. NOTE: you want to delete the faces, not lines. In deleting anything in SketchUP, you do need to make sure what you are deleting is not connected to anything else, otherwise it will delete all connected entities.

Kellie Horrocks said...

After we cleanup our Sketchup model, the instructions say to place it in the appropriate folder in the course folder. There is no "Assignment Four" folder, so what folder is appropriate?

arch222 said...

Folders have been created. Thank you.

Sara said...

I can't delete the intersecting faces unless I explode the two together, and then they are no longer components... ?

Sara said...

I've instead just trimmed the transparent box by manually tracing the overlapping faces and deleting the parts that intersect. Is this acceptable?

arch222 said...

Absolutely! The intersect command just automates this process - as you have seen, sometimes it might just be easier to draw the lines only where you want them.

Matthew said...

I released all edge styles in sketchup before exporting my background tiff and I still have "jaggies. It is just the raster that I'm having problems with, the vector looks great. Why is this happening? I can post it on my blog for now so you can check it out.

arch222 said...
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arch222 said...

You need to increase the resolution too. At least 150 pixels/inch or 300 is preferable.

Matthew said...

I did that, at 150 and 300, and it still looks jagged. Is there another setting in sketchup that I could have wrong? No matter what I do the raster looks like garbage. This is really frustrating. My immersive perspective looks good, but not my section.

arch222 said...

It could be because its a linked file and therefore displayed at lo-res. Try exporting the image from Illustrator and see if it looks better.

Sara said...

Sorry to ask yet another question, but is it alright if we use SketchUp people instead of people from the class 'zoo'? I put in a bunch of random SketchUp people for placement and when I replaced them, the new people looked very jagged (from minimizing) and inconsistent because a lot of people chose odd or unlikely poses/situations to upload. I realize this is probably seen as tacky, but I think with how I've done my section, the color and quality of the exported SketchUp people (as .eps) looks better. I don't know about the immersive, though. I imagine they won't look as nice up close. (I'm using the default people and the ones from the Oregon Entourage Project.)


April said...

Can anyone remind me how to use a clipping mask? Thanks.

Sara said...

April, you use the little fountain-pen-esque tool and make a shape around what you want to show, then select it and the object you want to clip and say "clipping mask make". It's the little circle and square tool at the bottom of layers, or under edit I think. Does that make sense?

Y_Ho said...

i'm with matthew. i got frustrated and moved on using an .eps file instead of .tiff

April said...

For those w/ jagged line issues, try exporting a larger image size from skup (literally- make it more pixels higher/wider). P.S. thanks for the tip, noelle-- veer.com is fun!